Watch this space

It is still raining. All hope of the jungle that is now my front lawn being cut and neatly manicured has gone out of the window for some time. As usual the skies are grey and the BBC weather website informs me that it is unlikely to change for the next 5 days. It isn’t the cold that bothers me it is the lack of sunshine and we are now over a quarter of the way through the year. With this in mind I have taken one of the most important decisions I am ever likely to make. I am putting my house on the market next year and leaving these shores as soon as it is sold and I have the money in my hand.

I have no idea where I am going to be going but going I shall be and to warmer and sunnier climes where ever in the world that may be. This is not a rash or quick decision, it has been in the back of my mind for some years and I always said that I would not do anything until at least 12 months after my mother’s departure. Having said that next January will be some 15 months later on and January 1st seems like a good date to inform the estate agents to put boards outside the front window.

It is not easy to describe how I feel after having arrived at this decision, there is a feeling of weight off my shoulders but also a lot of apprehension, uncertainty and excitement about the unknown. What I am going to do with all my stuff. Where will I go and what will I do when I get there? Loads of well meaning people have told me not to sell my house and rent it out and live off the income. However I want to sever all ties with this place and move on completely. It is not that I have been unhappy here it is just that I have been here too long and it is time for pastures and adventures new. What happens next?
Watch this space.

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