Happy New year

Hello 2011 and all of that. A professional blogger from the BBC once asked why so many amateur bloggers gave up and came to the conclusion that they run out of things to say. In my case it is that I run out of time to say them. It seems that as soon as I get in and have fed the cat, got changed, had something to eat then it is time to go to bed. I seem to be so busy earning a living I have no life! It is most definitely not the case that I have run out of things to say.

So with nothing more than a brief run down of what has been happening since my last entry, I am giving up trying to write about what happened yesterday because something always happens today. Bean counters youngest, Johan the Destroyer and his babe, took delivery of a healthy new baby girl called Holly in mid December. For the technical she weighed in at around 7 pounds ish and is now no longer pink and wrinkly.

Xmas came and went with all of the usual hustle and bustle and so did New Years Eve. I did manage to barbecue at midnight on New Years Eve and cooked several cuts of meat aided by Roger Moor while the rest of the guests sat in the warmth deciding that we were mad. Indeed the New Year was let in by the waft of grilled meat and spices, surely an auspicious start to 2011?

The Traveller has been to Gibraltar, back to Greece and then headed off to America where he is currently in Manhattan checking out suitable land. The search is not going well and Greece and Gibraltar have been written off as too primitive or too expensive and the good ole US of A is not looking much better.

Ted Magnum is more than ¾ of the way through a trip down Africa and was last heard of in Malawi and about to enter South Africa over 2.500 miles from the end of his journey to table top mountain. Yes everyone is travelling except me!

This brings me to the state of the country; petrol has gone through the roof and is now £1.28 a litre or almost 6 quid a gallon and it is set to rise. Conservative economists reckon it will be £1.50 a litre or £6.78 a gallon, for my American chums that is $10.50. Banker’s bonuses are still sky high and Dave Cameron has said it is time to stop bashing the bankers. Sorry Dave but it wont be time to stop bashing the bankers until they have pulled us out the shit they have dragged us all in to and then paid some compensation.

So what have we got to look forward to in 2011? Globally it is very uncertain but the feel good factor will certainly be enhanced when the Royal wedding takes place in April. Indeed if you look at the last few royal weddings they all seem to have taken place under a Conservative government, you might say they have bought the franchising rights. As for me well I intend to lose some of the weight I gained during the festive excesses and do some travelling or holidaying at the very least. Right up there on the list is to finish the house when the clocks go forward and the mercury starts to rise. There is not a lot to do and hopefully it will all be finished by the end of June. Oh and I definitely intend to take Rhonda out more often good health willing. Happy new year.


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