I just remembered, a decision was taken, mainly by me but with just as much enthusiasm by my drunken mates, that the theme for this years season will be redneck country hicks. Mainly because we are going to be smoking so much stuff (no, not drugs) and roasting a whole pig and drinking lots of Bourbon we decided that we should use a Southern US dress code. This means cut down dungarees and straw hats for the guys and plenty of gingham and kerchief neck ties for the women. Hats are optional but the music will be American blues.
The following year, if any of us are still left, we are going for the Hawaiin them. Food will be pigs and pineapple, Mailbu and the dress codes will be grass skirts and garlands for the women, nothing else mind except for come hither smiles and maybe some Channel No 5, and garish shirts and long shorts for the guys. Obviously this seemed like a great idea when we were all three sheets to the wind and it remains to be seen if we pull it off or not but keep a look out for new photos in the gallery.
Cook em Dano……