A case of Au Revoir and not farewell.

As usual things have been hectic over the last few weeks. The Driver came to stay with me for a weekend, I had not realised it had been last January since we had met up last. However we tried to make up for lost time and managed to get through enough beer and gossip to make up for it.. We have promised to try and keep in touch more often and it is to be hoped that we will meet up before Xmas.

Teech has gone to Dubai but not before we sprang a “surprise” leaving do for him at Château Ghastanbury.  All the usual suspects were there including Commander Riker, Miss Décolletage, The Revellers, Ted Magnum, Big Bad Brad, and of course Beancounter. As is customary, we wished him well as the evening descended into drunken mayhem and spilled out of the house and into the grounds were a bonfire was duly lit. Many photos have been taken but due to the failure of my home computer I am unable to upload them at this moment.

A few days later and BC and me are having a farewell meal with her youngest, Johan the Destroyer, his girlfriend and his brother in a well-known Liverpool restaurant. A trip to the Tequila bars and Vodka shot bars completed an evening of mirth and merriment and we arrived back at BC’s house in the early hours. JTD left for army duty en route to Cyprus a few days ago.

That brings us to Saturday gone, and Tedstock. A separate post including photos will be made in the Barbie section along with some of the recipes we used for the day. Tedstock marks the end of the summer and barby season as far as I am concerned and the next big event will be Halloween. Until then the nights are getting longer as summer peters out and autumn slowly makes its entrance. Some of the flowers in the garden are well past it and the record-breaking rainfall we have had this year has meant that some of the crops I planted have met with dismal failure. My tomatoes are still green due to a lack of sunlight and the slugs have eaten almost all of the courgettes and cucumbers.

Like Teech and JTD summer is leaving, I hope it’s a case of Au Revoir and not farewell.

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